
Ooops – Accidents do happen!

Ooops - Accidents do happen!

It can happen to the best of us!  Eye’s focused on the hunt; we aren’t watching how deep that river or boggy ditch is and end up with our boots full of water.

When it comes to drying leather boots, patience is a virtue.  Drying them out too quickly can reduce the natural oils in the leather, making boots dry and susceptible to cracking.

Here are some handy tips on how to dry your wet boots safely and effectively:

  • Clean off any mud with a soft brush
  • Take out the insoles and laces – this helps to speed up the drying process and also helps avoid any discolouration of the leather
  • Turn your boots upside down and leave them for a good 10 – 15 minutes to make sure the water has drained out
  • Stuff newspaper into the boots, right up to the toes and again leave for 10-15 minutes to soak up as much water as possible then take it out
  • Pop in a pair of drywarmers if you have them and if you don’t just leave the boots tipped up in a cool, dry place to dry as slowly as possible for as long as possible
  • Once they are dry, it’s always best to recondition the leather with wax to help maintain their waterproofness and keep the leather soft and supple

Investing time in your boots and looking after them properly will reap rewards down the line!